I was born in New York City and grew up in Westchester County where I went to Sunday School at the White Plains Community Unitarian Church. I studied philosophy and music at Beloit College in Wisconsin and began writing songs there.
At 25, I decided to enter the UU ministry and I enrolled at Meadville/Lombard Theological School and the Divinity School at the University of Chicago. I was the summer assistant to the ministers at the Community Church of New York in 1982 and 1984 and I worked at the World Conference on Religion and Peace at UN Headquarters in the summer of 1982. I did a chaplaincy at the Texas Medical Center and an internship at May Memorial Unitarian Society (where I wrote my first hymn) and the University of Syracuse, NY. I graduated from the U of C in 1983 with a Masters in Religious Studies and M/L in 1985 with a Doctorate of Ministry. I also won both the John Haynes Holmes and the John Wolf preaching scholarships.
My first full-time ministry was at the Universalist Church of Little Falls, NY which was followed by one at the UU Fellowship of Columbia, SC and one at the Hopedale Unitarian Parish in Massachusetts. I was then placed at the Unitarian Church of South Australia where I also served a stint as President of the Australia New Zealand Unitarian Association and where I became a recognized minister in the British General Assembly of Unitarian Churches. Throughout my career I used my growing collection of hymns to augment worship in the churches I served.
In 2004, I returned to North America to serve interim ministries at Cedar Falls, IA, Toronto, ON and Ithaca, NY. In 2007, my wife and I returned to South Australia where I dedicated my time to learning how to write anthems and spiritual songs of various types, and helping my wife with our book and gift shop in the small beach town where we live. Since then, I received an Honorable Mention in the Jazz/New Age/Popular category in the 38th Annual Composition Contest of the Composers Guild, and two pieces of mine (Power of the Flame and We Are All Free) were accepted to be read at UUMN conferences.
In 2014, Paraclete Press published a Christmas anthem of mine (SATB, piano and flute, though it can be rearranged easily to unison with piano) named Sleep Young Jesus. An audio sample is available off their website at www.paracletepress.com.